WEAVE Open-Time Phase 2. Instructions for Applicants

WEAVE Open-Time Phase 2. Instructions for Applicants

Tiny link: https://a.ing.iac.es/s/?21dfdf

WEAVE Open-Time Phase 2. Instructions for Applicants

Summary of actions

GREEN: Actions by the PI

PURPLE: Actions by the PI if familiarised with the package "IFU Workflow", or by ING on behalf of the PI, if assistance is requested by the PI to weave_open_time_support@ing.iac.es






Download of catalogue template from WASP (optional)


Fill out the catalogue template with targets following instructions on this page


Process the populated catalogue using the IFU workflow


Upload the processed catalogue to WASP


Download the validated catalogue from WASP


Generate the XML files (OBs) using the IFU workflow


Upload OBs to WASP


Select OBs on WASP for observing

The instructions below are mainly aimed at PIs who will request assistance to:


Communication with the PI

The WEAVE Automated Submission Platform (WASP) automatically emails the principal investigators (PIs) with submission deadlines, validation acknowledgements and any other important information concerning the preparation of phase 2. The emails contains the credentials to log onto WASP. Subject line is:

Subject: [WEAVE] Account created for WEAVE observation preparation

General assistance can be provided emailing:


Phase 2: the short guide


LIFU mode: catalogue preparation

Target declination and right ascension limits

The current target declination limit is -25º. Objects with a declination lower than that cannot be observed. 

WASP sets limits to allowed target RA and it will not validate your OB if your target coordinates lie outside the limits for the trimester. See below the allowed RA ranges for each trimester.

Allowed RA range - Trimester A1

2h (30º) → 20h (300º)

Expanded range:

Allowed RA range - Trimester A2

9h (135º) → 2h (30º)

Expanded range:

Allowed RA range - Trimester B1

15h (225º) → 9h (135º)

Expanded RA range:

Allowed RA range - Trimester B2

20h (300º) → 16h (240º)

Expanded RA range:

Total requested time

The total length (counted as science exposure time) of all the submitted OBs can't exceed the science time allocation of your proposal (see the time allocations).

Preparation of the catalogue

The catalogue can be prepared in three alternative ways:

  1. Filling in the FITS catalogue template provided on WASP. Log on to WASP with your credentials. Go to "My survey" and click on "Download template".

2. Converting the above FITS catalogue template into CSV and filling in.

3. Filling in a simplified CSV version of the catalogue template. Below it's an example of this simplified template and 4 catalogue rows that each describe an OB definition:

<filename: WS2023B2-001_target_list.csv>


Filling out the catalogue template with targets

Any of the three catalogue templates above (FITS, CSV, simplified CSV) can be filled in with targets. These are the requested columns (the rest are optional). If not specified, the data release version and epoch of the GAIA coordinates will be DR3 and 2016.0 respectively. 

TARGPROG (optional)
GAIA_ID (if available)
GAIA_DR (optional)
GAIA_EPOCH (optional)
GAIA_PMRA (if available)
GAIA_PMDEC (if available)
GAIA_PARAL (if available)
IFU_PA_REQUEST (if necessary)


TARGPROG is an optional column, to be filled out at the discretion of the catalogue creator.


This parameter is used to group IFU observations of the same target, in cases where stacks are required. This helps the Core Processing System (CPS) responsible for obtaining the data, to identify cases where the same astrophysical target is observed but the OBs executed were not related (via for example the "chained" directive).

An example would be LIFU observations of the core of M33. If a user requires 3 OBs, each with different dither positions, then the CPS could not ordinarily stack these data, because they do not share the same Central CNAME (CNAME is the WEAVE object name from coordinates). In the input FITS catalogue, these observations are represented by 5,427 rows: 603 fibres, dithered 3 times for 3 OBs. Each of these rows must be tied together by a common TARGNAME, e.g. "M33 bulge". This indicates to the CPS that these observations should be evaluated for stacking.


Above: Three LIFU dither positions centred on a putative target. This information must be encoded in the input FITS catalogue, but grouped by common TARGNAME.

It is not always true that IFU observations with common TARGNAME will be stacked. Only common TARGNAMEs with sufficient overlap will be stacked by the CPS. However, if Contributed Data Products exist to create larger mosaics from these data, then they should use the common TARGNAME to group L1 products.

Above: Example LIFU coverage of an extended source. Each colour here represents an OB. Within each pointing there would be a series of dithers (as per previous Figure). Whilst these pointings might share the same TARGNAME ("M33"), the CPS would recognise these as a mosaic and not stack them into a single LIFU data cube.

The TARGID is the target identifier and it is mandatory that this column is filled in.

For IFU fields, this is the OB-specific descriptor of the field.  In the first example above, this could be a simple numerical identifier for each OB:

OB1: TARGNAME = “M33bulge” TARGID = “M33bulge1”
OB2: TARGNAME = “M33bulge” TARGID = “M33bulge2”
OB3: TARGNAME = “M33bulge” TARGID = “M33bulge3”

For the second example, TARGID could be more descriptive:

OB1: TARGNAME = “M33” TARGID = “M33 bulge”
OB2: TARGNAME = “M33” TARGID = “M33 disc NE”
OB3: TARGNAME = “M33” TARGID = “M33 disc NW”


The PROGTEMP code is an integral part of describing how the instrument is configured. This parameter encodes the requested instrument configuration, OB length, exposure time, spectral binning, cloning requirements and probabilistic connection between these clones. We refer registered WASP users to the PROGTEMP form: http://wasp.ast.cam.ac.uk/progtemp (there is also a copy at ING: https://a.ing.iac.es/weave/progtemp.php ).

Please use this exposure time calculator for your signal-to-noise calculations: https://a.ing.iac.es/signalWEAVE/ . There is more information, including a downloadable version, at WEAVE Exposure Time Calculator .

Instrument configuration

Check first what instrument modes are available in the ING announcement of opportunity

OB length

This PROGTEMP component specifies the overall OB length (inclusive of overheads). Please be aware that not all OB lengths are available. 

Arm exposures

It defines how the time within the OB that you wish to observe the target is divided up, by specifying the number of exposures and exposure time within the stipulated OB length.  The listed options of exposure time splits correspond to science open-shutter times (note that every exposure incur a 3-minute overhead).

IMPORTANT: It is not recommended unlocking the arms. Note that different exposure splits (unlocking the arms) in the red and the blue arms will have two consequences: firstly, no dithering will be possible, and secondly, OB length will increase as the observing system cannot execute different exposure splits simultaneously but one only exposure in both arms at a time. For example, requesting one exposure in red, and 12 in blue would cause a significant mismatch in overheads between the two arms.


Binning in the spectral direction

Only listed values are allowed, all other values are forbidden. As an aside, note that there is no facility to request spatial binning. Such a mode would compromise the spectral extraction performance and crosstalk characterisation within the L1 pipeline.

Duplicate this OB 'x' times

This component is entirely optional – validation checks will not fail if there is no 'x' value in the PROGTEMP. If an applicant wishes to duplicate the observations of this target, then duplication would result in the OB this target lives in being duplicated 'x' times, or in other words, one only OB will be generated, but it will be cloned 'x' times when ingested into the observing system.

Furthermore, if PIs want to chain these OBs together, such that the observation of one of these clones increases the chance that the remaining OBs in this group are observed, then a "+" will be added to the end of PROGTEMP. The "+" instructs the WEAVE scheduler to increase the (internal, programme-specific) weight of all OBs in this group. This provides a mechanism to ensure that once a series of observations are started, completion of the chain becomes a progressively higher priority above other OBs from this programme.


Whilst PROGTEMP deals with “how” a target is observed, OBSTEMP deals with “when” a target is observed – namely setting the observational constraints required to optimally extract scientific information from the observation.

These constraints represent “worst-case” observing parameters – targets will be observed under these conditions or better. Note, however, that the worst case represents a scenario when all worst-case observational constraints meet simultaneously. PIs should note also that the probability of observing targets with highly restrictive OBSTEMP codes may be quite low.

We refer registered WASP users to the OBSTEMP form: http://wasp.ast.cam.ac.uk/obstemp (there is also a copy at ING: https://a.ing.iac.es/weave/obstemp.php).

DIMM seeing

Seeing is provided by a DIMM monitor located nearby the WHT, and it is measured as the full-width half-maximum (FWHM) brightness profile of a star if located at airmass 1.00.  Note that IFU observations are more tolerant of poorer seeing (diameter of the fibres is 2.6"). An instrument-level limit of seeing <3” is adopted due to degradation of guiding quality in poorer seeing.


This component defines the minimum transparency (T) required for the observation. In the absence of cloud and Saharan dust, the V-band transparency (i.e. the fraction of top-of-the-atmosphere light reaching the WHT) is ~ 0.88, and likely scales as (0.88)^airmass (i.e. T ~ 0.83 at airmass 1.5, T~ 0.77 at airmass 2). Extinction due to Saharan dust rarely exceeds a few tenths of a magnitude (i.e. reduces transparency by <~ a few tenths) and varies little with position on the sky. Thin cloud, reducing transparency by a few tenths, can be patchy, so only an all-sky average can be predicted (based on the guide-star signal from previous observations).  A limit on transparency (T > 0.4) is adopted to avoid various performance degradations such as guidance on attenuated guide stars, delivery of science data with significantly reduced signal-to-noise ratio and increased risk of precipitation on the telescope optics.

Elevation angle

Users may set the minimum elevation angle (and thus airmass) that their targets should be observed with. An instrument-wide limit of airmass < 3 will be set due to several effects degrading the quality of data at higher airmass: increasing differential refraction; higher extinction; worse light pollution. Please remember to check for the visibility of your target using http://c.ing.iac.es/staralt/ when placing an elevation limit.

Moon distance

Users may specify the minimum angular distance between the moon and the target. Observations under low moon distance may suffer from sky background light gradients across the field, as well as higher levels of reflected light causing spurious signals within the focal plane. 

An instrument-wide lower limit of 30 degrees ensures sky brightness gradients and scattered light effects are kept to a minimum. This limit applies to any observations set with “0 degrees (no constraint)”.

Sky brightness

The maximum V-band surface brightness of the sky (mag / sq. arcsec) required to observe the target. 

The dark-of-moon sky brightness varies by a few tenths of a mag depending on ecliptic and galactic latitude and phase of the solar cycle. With the moon up, the sky can be up to ~4 mag brighter than dark-of-moon, depending on lunar phase, elevation and angular distance from the target. Science observations are carried out mainly during astronomical night, but those OBs tolerating moonlit skies can also use the latest bit of evening twilight, or the earliest bit of morning twilight – the only relevant criterion is sky surface brightness. No observations will be carried out when the sky brightness exceeds that at full moon.

GAIA specific columns

We strongly urge PIs to use the DR3 reference epoch for WEAVE targets.

Objects that are not detected by Gaia must have their coordinates converted onto the Gaia Reference Frame DR3. It is the responsibility of the PI to verify that their provided coordinates are both consistent with the ICRS.

Parallax and proper motions are particularly important for construction of the WEAVE CNAME, to ensure that successive observations (with varying separation in time) of the same target are correctly attributed to the same CNAME.

Information from Gaia is expected to be provided exactly as it is retrieved from the Gaia archive, so parameter definitions, data formats and units remain the same. Please consult the Gaia webpages to further understand their data model.


IFU_PA_REQUEST allows the catalogue provider to specify a rotation angle (position angle) of the LIFU, if this is required.  Any dithering requested for the field is applied to the rotated LIFU frame.  If a specific PA value is not requested, then the following defaults are applied: IFU_PA=0° (for declinations lower than 28.7°) and IFU_PA=180° (for declinations higher than 28.7°). Note that the requested IFU_PA could be changed by the IFU workflow software if a suitable guiding star cannot be found at the requested PA. Below it's a plot which shows how the PA is changed to find a suitable guiding star (from the requested PA marked as a blue cross to the final PA marked as a black cross).

IMPORTANT: During the IFU observation preparation using the IFU workflow software, an analysis is performed on putative LIFU pointings to determine if a rotation is required and provides the optimal value IFU_PA should take.  Rotation is generally used in cases where the default or requested PA results in no viable guide stars falling within the autoguider field of view, or when the rotation during an exposure is likely to exceed the angular limits of the rotator. This means that it's not always possible that the IFU workflow software can provide the IFU_PA_REQUEST value in the catalogue. The table below shows the allowed IFU_PA_REQUEST (=PA in the table) ranges PIs can safely apply for. Maximum value of PA is 180º so if requesting PA=300º, then enter -60º.


The table below shows the allowed values for the PA depending on minimum elevation requested in the OB and the target’s declination. Following are plots showing two cases, for better understanding of the PA ranges in the table.

PA range (°)
[clock version of PA range]

PA range (°)
[clock version of PA range]

Dec (°)

[OBSTEMP: __A__]

[OBSTEMP: __B__]

[OBSTEMP:  __C__]

[OBSTEMP:  __D__]

[OBSTEMP:  __E__]

[OBSTEMP:  __F__]





[-135 → 0 → +135]

[-115 → 0 → +115]


[-140 → 0 → +140]

[-125 → 0 → +125]

[-115 → 0 → +115]

[-115 → 0 → +115]

[-110 → 0 → +110]

[-100 → 0 → +100]


[-110 → 0 → +110]

[-105 → 0 → +105]

[-105 → 0 → +105]

[-100 → 0 → +100]

[-100 → 0 → +100]

[-90 → 0 → +90]


[-90 → 0 → +90]

[-90 → 0 → +90]

[-90 → 0 → +90]

[-90 → 0 → +90]

[-85 → 0 → +85]

[-85 → 0 → +85]


[-65 → 0 → +65]

[-65 → 0 → +65]

[-65 → 0 → +65]

[-65 → 0 → +65]

[-65 → 0 → +65]

[-65 → 0 → +65]


[-130→ 180 → +130]

[-130 → 180 → +130]

[-130 → 180 → +130]

[-130 → 180 → +130]

[-135 → 180 → +135]

[-135 → 180 → +135]


[-115 → 180 → +115]

[-120 → 180 → +120]

[-125 → 180 → +125]

[-125 → 180 → +125]

[-130 → 180 → +130]

[-135 → 180 → +135]


[-105 → 180 → +105]

[-100 → 180 → +100]

[-115 → 180 → +115]

[-120 → 180 → +120]

[-125 → 180 → +125]

[-135 → 180 → +135]


[-80 → 180 → +80]

[-95 → 180 → +95]
